Friday, March 28, 2025

How to check spouse quality from Bazi birth chart 八字看配偶吉凶

Below is a no BS and straight-talk list of how to check the marital quality of one's spouse:

1.  Month pillar of a female chart has stem shang-guan (+output) and branch qi-sha (-power)-- She will marry multiple times.
2.  Female daymaster sits on shang-guan (+output), regardless of its favorability ("yong-shen"), She likely has marital problems and/or jinxing husband.
3.  Male daymaster sits on peer star (bi-jian/ jie-cai)-- He has marital problems.
4.  Female with Jia-yin or Wu-shen day pillar-- Her husband may die of unexpected disaster.
5.  Male daymaster sits on pian-cai (-wealth) is amorous.  He loves mistress more than wife.
6.  Male daymaster sits resource star (zheng-yin/ pian-yin) hindering wife.  Wife does not get along with his mother.
7.  Female chart with both zheng-guan and qi-sha (power stars) in stem level-- This is called "guan-sha mixing up".  She will have marital disharmony, likely marry twice or has lover.
8.  Male chart with both zheng-cai and pian-cai (wealth stars) in stem level-- he will have marital disharmony, likely marry twice or has mistress.
9.  Female chart has strong shang-guan (+output) stars but no wealth star-- She jinxes her husband or marry again.
10.  When day branch (spouse palace) is clashed-- This implies marital disharmony and separation is likely. 
11.  When day branch (spouse palace) is combined--  This implies spouse has affair.
12.  When a male chart day branch has a wealth star (zheng-cai/ piain-cai), regardless the strength of this daymaster, gets a good/ helpful wife.  This is called "wife palace stationed by a wife 妻宫妻守"
13.  When a female chart day branch has a wealth star (zheng-cai/ piain-cai) and is favorable ("yong-shen"),  gets a helpful and capable husband.

If you want to know more about Bazi, please check out the following courses:

“4-Pillars Forecasting Bootcamp+ ″ w/ 18 hr. video 

“Luck Enhancement and Misfortune Mitigation with Bazi and Feng Shui” w/ 45 hrs. HD video

Ken Lai

Video Correspondence Courses: (click for details)

“Visual Bazi: Wealth Secrets and Maximization” w/ 18 hr. HD video
“Advanced Visual Form Feng Shui”  w/23 hr. HD video
“Visual Form Feng Shui” w/13 hr. HD video
“Applied Bazi: Sickness Forecasting and Management” w/33 hr. HD video 
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 1: Forecasting and Decision Support” w/32 hr. HD video
“Luck Enhancement and Misfortune Mitigation with Bazi and Feng Shui” w/ 45 hrs. HD video
“Feng Shui Toolbox: Sha-qi, Health/Wealth and Career” w/ 7 hr. HD video
“Period 9 Feng Shui Bible w/ P8/ 9 Period Upgrade Advisor” w/ 14 hr. HD video
“Practical Date-Selection Methods (incl. XKDG) w/ 12 hr. video
“Practical Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia 4G” w/ 12 hr. video
“Professional Imperial QMDJ 4G” w/ 21 hr. video
“EZ QMDJ series: Astrology, Date/Task Selection, Annual Luck/ FS”w/ 3 hr. HD
“EZ QMDJ Advanced Feng Shui” with 4 hr. HD video
“Daoist Talismans for Feng Shui/Blessing” w/ 24 hr video
“Practical Door Feng Shui for Wealth” w/ 3 hr. video
“4-Pillars Forecasting Bootcamp+ ″ w/ 18 hr. video

Monday, March 10, 2025

Feng Shui Battle: Flying Scissors Vs. Big Cannon 大炮對飛剪


A house owner in China had found his neighbor putting up a pair of sharp scissors and mirror facing his front door.  He had responded with a big cannon pointing at the neighbor.

From the pictures, we can guess how this Feng Shui battle is activated.

The "cannon house" has a big 6 panels RED door with 2 lions guarding.  In terms of Form Feng Shui, this red door looks like a giant bloody mouth engulfing anything in its path to this neighbor.  This might, at the least, subconsciously affects the hormonal health of the neighbor.

Red color is regarded as auspicious in Chinese culture.  However, putting too much or excessive red color in the main door of a house could draw misfortune to its residents.  

Red also represents fire and blood.  Misfortunes like sickness, fire and bloody events when annual star like 2-sickness, 5-disaster or 9-purple fire lands on the door region.  

Could the flying scissors with mirror overcome this strong fire energy?  Of course not.  Fire burns the metal scissors.  The mirror is flat which draws the fire image (and energy) TO the "scissor house".  Hence the "cannon house" does not really need the cannon to counter this flying scissors.  But it helps to drain excessive fire energy by "burning" the metal cannon.

My "Advanced Visual Form Feng Shui" course has a chapter on Feng Shui battle.  It can help you to handle Feng Shui battle like this one using inexpensive and low profile everyday items.  In this case, we can help the "scissors house" to turn the hostile fire energy into supporting energy without using hostile or noticeable remedies (3 possible fixes are posted in the "Advanced Visual Form Feng Shui Discussion Group").

Ken Lai

Video Correspondence Courses: (click for details)

“Visual Bazi: Wealth Secrets and Maximization” w/ 18 hr. HD video
“Advanced Visual Form Feng Shui”  w/23 hr. HD video
“Visual Form Feng Shui” w/13 hr. HD video
“Applied Bazi: Sickness Forecasting and Management” w/33 hr. HD video 
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 1: Forecasting and Decision Support” w/32 hr. HD video
“Luck Enhancement and Misfortune Mitigation with Bazi and Feng Shui” w/ 45 hrs. HD video
“Feng Shui Toolbox: Sha-qi, Health/Wealth and Career” w/ 7 hr. HD video
“Period 9 Feng Shui Bible w/ P8/ 9 Period Upgrade Advisor” w/ 14 hr. HD video
“Practical Date-Selection Methods (incl. XKDG) w/ 12 hr. video
“Practical Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia 4G” w/ 12 hr. video
“Professional Imperial QMDJ 4G” w/ 21 hr. video
“EZ QMDJ series: Astrology, Date/Task Selection, Annual Luck/ FS”w/ 3 hr. HD
“EZ QMDJ Advanced Feng Shui” with 4 hr. HD video
“Daoist Talismans for Feng Shui/Blessing” w/ 24 hr video
“Practical Door Feng Shui for Wealth” w/ 3 hr. video
“4-Pillars Forecasting Bootcamp+ ″ w/ 18 hr. video

Monday, February 17, 2025

Client-based calculation of favorable elements ("Useful Gods") 八字喜用神经验查法

This method of calculating favorable elements is based on client's real life experience.  The Bazi reader asks his client's subjective rating of his/ her experience for at least five years (the more years the better) based on the following questions:

1.  Do you have better luck in the first half OR second half of year xxxx?  (repeat this question for 5+ years).  Note:  "Year" here refers to solar year.  First half is from February to July; second half is from August to January.

2.  Do you have better luck in AM (noon / morning) OR PM (afternoon/ evening)?


  • Better luck in first half of the year-- favorable elements are likely wood and/ or fire
  • Better luck in second half of the year-- favorable elements are likely metal and/ or water
  • Better luck during AM of the day-- favorable elements are likely wood and/ or fire
  • Better luck during PM of the day-- favorable elements are likely metal and/ or water

You need to compare the favorable elements found with this method to the ones based on Bazi theory calculation to see if they match.  If the results do not match, you check if the years under consideration spread across two 10-years luck periods (10YL).  It is also possible that favorable elements of this chart change from one 10YL to another.

In general, client's subjective rating is a more accurate reflection of reality than the result from Bazi theory.  This is because theory cannot take into account of the social and physical environments (Feng Shui) of the client into consideration.  The energies from these environment can affect the balance of a Bazi chart.

If you want to know more about Bazi, please check out the following courses:

“4-Pillars Forecasting Bootcamp+ ″ w/ 18 hr. video 

“Luck Enhancement and Misfortune Mitigation with Bazi and Feng Shui” w/ 45 hrs. HD video

Ken Lai

Video Correspondence Courses: (click for details)

“Visual Bazi: Wealth Secrets and Maximization” w/ 18 hr. HD video
“Advanced Visual Form Feng Shui”  w/23 hr. HD video
“Visual Form Feng Shui” w/13 hr. HD video
“Applied Bazi: Sickness Forecasting and Management” w/33 hr. HD video 
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 1: Forecasting and Decision Support” w/32 hr. HD video
“Luck Enhancement and Misfortune Mitigation with Bazi and Feng Shui” w/ 45 hrs. HD video
“Feng Shui Toolbox: Sha-qi, Health/Wealth and Career” w/ 7 hr. HD video
“Period 9 Feng Shui Bible w/ P8/ 9 Period Upgrade Advisor” w/ 14 hr. HD video
“Practical Date-Selection Methods (incl. XKDG) w/ 12 hr. video
“Practical Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia 4G” w/ 12 hr. video
“Professional Imperial QMDJ 4G” w/ 21 hr. video
“EZ QMDJ series: Astrology, Date/Task Selection, Annual Luck/ FS”w/ 3 hr. HD
“EZ QMDJ Advanced Feng Shui” with 4 hr. HD video
“Daoist Talismans for Feng Shui/Blessing” w/ 24 hr video
“Practical Door Feng Shui for Wealth” w/ 3 hr. video
“4-Pillars Forecasting Bootcamp+ ″ w/ 18 hr. video

Thursday, January 16, 2025

DOPE Edition of Grand Duke Talisman Charity Drive 2025

This is the  DOPE (Dept. of Personal Efficiency) version of Grand Duke Charity Drive.  It cuts all the fat and presents only essential materials.  If you want to know more about the background of GD talisman, click the following link:

Ken's Cyber Cave: 1/1/24 - 2/1/24


1.  If you have the Chinese zodiac birth animal sign of pig (born in 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983 1995, 2007, 2019)

2.  If ANY pillar of your Bazi natal chart has a "Hai" or pig:  Click the following link and enter your birthday and birth hour in the "birth chart" windows, to generate you Bazi natal chart.  Then check if there is any Hai or pig in the chart.  You only need to check the left side Birth Chart.  For example, this Nov. 16, 1995, 21:01 chart:

From right to left:  Year, Month, Day, Hour

-- This person is in big trouble this year with pig branches because Grand Duke clashes all the pillars.  This could be major misfortunes or even death.


  1. Year pillar:  you or your senior relative may have obstacles or misfortune
  2. Month pillar:  your parents or siblings may have misfortune
  3. Day pillar:  you or your spouse may have misfortune, divorce or even death
  4. Hour pillar:  your children or younger relative may be in trouble

You are strongly recommended to get a GD talisman if you have a pig in any pillar in your natal chart, especially the day pillar (Yi-hai, Ding-hai, Ji-hai, Xin-hai and Gui-hai).  A MUST if you have Yi-hai or Ding-hai day pillar because both you and your spouse are in danger.

People with the following Chinese zodiac animal signs could also be benefited from a GD talisman: snake, monkey and tiger.

HOW TO GET THIS GD TAILISMAN?  This year we use digital delivery of Grand Duke Talismans. Ken Lai will create a GD Talisman, blessed and "activated" with your name on screen digitally in front of a Dou-Mou altar. This personalized activated GD file will be emailed to you with notes.  You can print as many copies as you want (but for one unique-named person or family only).  In this way, you can replace soiled or damaged talismans.  You can carry one talisman in your wallet and post one in your home and/or office for Feng Shui remedy.  

Below are some charities that you can send your donation to.  But you can always support your local charities like food-shelf or soup kitchens.
  • homeless shelter
  • Save-the-Children ( 
  • UNICEF (United Nation Children's Fund)
  • Smile Train ( 
  • children hospital
  • food shelves/soup kitchen
  • Red Cross
  • animal shelter/ humane society
  • Doctors without border ( 
  • Los Angeles fire victims charity
If you are worried about privacy issues and future solicitations-- please be assured that no future solicitation or email will be sent to you in the future. You send me NO money. You send your donation directly to your favorite local or international charity.  No purchase involved now or in the future.  This offer is for people who have no access to Daoist temples.  Please support your local temple if you have access to one.
SUGGESTED DONATION  (same old 2010 pricing!)
If you need more than one Grand Duke Talismans, here is the discount schedule:
 --one talisman US$30 donation (US$5 if you are unemployed/under-employed)
 --two talismans US$50 donation ($10 if unemployed/under-employed )
 --three talismans US$60 donation ($15 if unemployed/under-employed )
You may go to to calculate the equivalent of US$30 to your local currency.
NOTE:  People from countries with Big Mac Value Meal sold under US$ 6, may use the "under-employed and unemployed rate".
Simply perform an act of kindness like visit a senior citizen, feed a homeless animal, buy a meal for the hungry,  tutor a needy student-- any help or emotional support to all living being and the like can be a substitute of a monetary donation.  Email me what you have done (great if you show photo, but not compulsory) and I shall email you the talisman.
Talisman that is grounded with a charitable event works more effectively because it has an exchange of one type of energy for protection energy.

To claim your talismans and application instructions, please forward your donation receipt with the talisman recipient names and gender info to with the following info:
User Name:
Your consecrated digital talisman will be emailed to you in about 1 week after receiving your proof of donation.

Thank you for participating in this charity drive.

 Ken Lai