Ken's Cyber Cave: 1/1/24 - 2/1/24
1. If you have the Chinese zodiac birth animal sign of pig (born in 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983 1995, 2007, 2019)
2. If ANY pillar of your Bazi natal chart has a "Hai" or pig: Click the following link and enter your birthday and birth hour in the "birth chart" windows, to generate you Bazi natal chart. Then check if there is any Hai or pig in the chart. You only need to check the left side Birth Chart. For example, this Nov. 16, 1995, 21:01 chart:
From right to left: Year, Month, Day, Hour
-- This person is in big trouble this year with pig branches because Grand Duke clashes all the pillars. This could be major misfortunes or even death.
- Year pillar: you or your senior relative may have obstacles or misfortune
- Month pillar: your parents or siblings may have misfortune
- Day pillar: you or your spouse may have misfortune, divorce or even death
- Hour pillar: your children or younger relative may be in trouble
You are strongly recommended to get a GD talisman if you have a pig in any pillar in your natal chart, especially the day pillar (Yi-hai, Ding-hai, Ji-hai, Xin-hai and Gui-hai). A MUST if you have Yi-hai or Ding-hai day pillar because both you and your spouse are in danger.
People with the following Chinese zodiac animal signs could also be benefited from a GD talisman: snake, monkey and tiger.
HOW TO GET THIS GD TAILISMAN? This year we use digital delivery of Grand Duke Talismans. Ken Lai will create a GD Talisman, blessed and "activated" with your name on screen digitally in front of a Dou-Mou altar. This personalized activated GD file will be emailed to you with notes. You can print as many copies as you want (but for one unique-named person or family only). In this way, you can replace soiled or damaged talismans. You can carry one talisman in your wallet and post one in your home and/or office for Feng Shui remedy.
- homeless shelter
- Save-the-Children (
- UNICEF (United Nation Children's Fund)
- Smile Train (
- children hospital
- food shelves/soup kitchen
- Red Cross
- animal shelter/ humane society
- Doctors without border (
- Los Angeles fire victims charity
--two talismans US$50 donation ($10 if unemployed/under-employed )
--three talismans US$60 donation ($15 if unemployed/under-employed )
To claim your talismans and application instructions, please forward your donation receipt with the talisman recipient names and gender info to with the following info:
Thank you for participating in this charity drive.
Ken Lai