Thursday, December 20, 2018

2019 Grand Duke Talisman Charity Drive

I have created a multi-years table for checking Grand Duke violations by birth year that you may use even after I had gone to see Buddha and Jesus.  You may plan ahead with this table. 

We still use the year 2011 old price for Grand Duke Talismans donation for this year.  But you may donate more to your favorable charity if you wish.

This year we start the drive early, so you may take advantage of your usual Christmas or new year donations to get a GD talisman (and income tax deduction, if any).

For details on Grand Duke violations, you may read this posts:

To check if you have Grand Duke violation, check the highlighted last row ("Pig") and check next section if you do not know your animal sign.

The animal sign with violations are pig, snake and monkey.  House facing NW3 or hai mountain may need some remedies.


  1. RAT (years born: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032, 2044)  
  2. OX (years born: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973,  1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033, 2045) 
  3. TIGER (years born: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022,  2034 )  
  4. RABBIT (years born: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023,  2035 ) 
  5. DRAGON (years born: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976,  1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036) 
  6. SNAKE (years born: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013,  2025, 2037)  
  7. HORSE (years born: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038, 2050)
  8. RAM (years born: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039 ) 
  9. MONKEY (years born: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016,  2028, 2040) 
  10. ROOSTER (years born: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981,  1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041)  


"Fu-yin" or same animal sign of Grand Duke 值太岁-- people with pig sign
Symptoms:  This is not a the worst violation.  People with this animal sign usually will not have serious mishaps.  They have have some minor health problem or mentally uncomfortable.

"Fan-yin" or "clashing" the animal sign of Grand Duke 冲太岁-- people with snake sign
Symptoms:  This is the worst violation.  People with this violation are likely to have: big fluctuations and changes in luck, wealth, career, relationship and health; traffic accident, sickness like kidney, uterus, surgery, losing competitions/wealth, moving, death,  negative romance, quarrels and etc.

 "Hai" or "harming" the animal sign of Grand Duke 太岁-- people with monkey sign
Symptoms:  backstabbing at work, bad interpersonal relationship, marital disharmony,  jinxing close relatives (esp. older ones, spouse and children),  jealousy from others and minor health problems   

"Xing" or "penalizing" the animal sign of Grand Duke 太岁-- people with pig sign
Symptoms:  conflicts, backstabbing, injury, financial disagreements, lawsuits, scares, be careful with friends, romance problem and negative peach blossoms.

House violating Grand Duke
In 2019 ji-hai year, if your house faces hai-pig mountain or NW3 (322.5 to 337.5 degree, ) direction, your house is said to be "violating Grand Duke."  House violating GD will affect the overall luck, health and well-being of the people living inside.  The remedy is either avoiding movements, construction, earth-digging and demolition there or put up a Grand Duke talisman facing NW3 direction.  The opposite side of Grand Duke is Year-breaker (Sui-po, SE1).  This location should avoid digging and activities too. 

For details on house Grand Duke violations, check this post: 

This year we use digital delivery of Grand Duke Talismans because "snail mail" is slow and prone to losses.  Ken Lai will create a GD Talisman with user name, city and country imprinted, bless and "activate" individually on screen digitally.  This unique activated GD file will be emailed to you.  You can print as many copies as you want (but for one unique-named person only).  In this way, you can replace soiled or damaged talismans yourself.  You can carry one talisman in your wallet and post one in your home and/or office for Feng Shui remedy.  You get more "mileage" from a single donation this way.

The offer is the same as previous years: your charity donation of US$30 or more to any legitimate local or international charity will get you a specially blessed Grand Duke talisman with your name inscribed (see below for special rate for countries with lower annual income per capita).    Here are some sample charities suggested in the past drives:
  • homeless shelter
  • Save-the-Children (
  • UNICEF (United Nation Children's Fund)
  • Smile Train (
  • children hospital
  • food shelves/soup kitchen
  • Red Cross
  • animal shelter/ humane society
  • Doctors without border (
Donation made to help alleviate an urgent human/ animal need or suffering (e.g., feeding the hungry, tornado/ typhoon victims or homeless) gets you more "pain" or "misfortune" removed from you than donation for public good or improvement of public life like church/ temple or public radio/TV.

If you are worried about privacy issues and future solicitations-- please be assured that I will not email you in the future. You will send me NO money. You send your money directly to your favorite local or international charity.  You do NOT need to purchase any additional item from me or anyone else. No future solicitation of any type will be sent to you.  This offer is for people who have no access to Daoist temples.  Please support your local temple if you have access to one.

If you need more than one Grand Duke Talismans, here is the discount schedule:
 --one talisman US$30 donation (US$5 if you are unemployed/under-employed)
 --two talismans US$50 donation ($10 if unemployed /under-employed )
 --three talismans US$60 donation ($15 if unemployed /under-employed )
(you may go to to calculate the equivalent of US$30 to your local currency)

NOTE:  People from countries with annual personal income per capita income below US$8000.00 can use the "under-employed and unemployed rate".
Talisman that is grounded with a charitable event works more effectively because it has an exchange of one type of energy for protection energy.

To claim your talismans and application instructions, please forward your donation receipt with the talisman recipient names and address to with the following info:

1.  user name:

2.  gender (sex): 
2.  city:
3.  country:

Get your Grand Duke Talismans before Feb. 3, 2019 if possible.  Year of Pig will start on Feb. 4, 2018 (11:16 am).  Your individually consecrated digital talisman will be emailed to you  or in about 1 week (
after January 1, 2019) after receiving your proof of donation.

Thank you for participating in this charity drive.

 Ken Lai