Sunday, November 20, 2022

No digging zones in 2023

Year of Tiger will end in two months.  Next year will be the Year of Rabbit with its own "no digging or construction" zones that may be still "diggable" before Feb. 4, 2023.

Below is a quick review of "no-digging zones" for 2023 Year of Rabbit:

  1. East or Mao mountain is the Grand Duke location
  2. East or Zhen palace is the location of 2-black sickness star
  3. West or Dui palace are the locations of San-sha (3-killings)
  4. Northwest or Qian palace is the location of 5-yellow disaster star

In short, do not dig in the East, Northwest and West sectors in 2023 or serious disasters and misfortune may strike.  There are some Feng Shui and date-selection methods to circumvent it.  

You either dig these locations before the end of this Tiger Year or consult a Feng Shui practitioner if you will dig these locations next year.  Here is a reminder of the "no-digging zones" for current year: North, Northeast, Southwest and center palace.

You may also check out this date-selection course for solutions:

“Practical Date-Selection Methods (incl. XKDG) w/ 12 hr. video

Ken Lai
© 2022 Ken Lai, all rights reserved.

Video Correspondence Courses: (click for details)

“Visual Bazi: Wealth Secrets and Maximization” w/ 18 hr. HD video
“Advanced Visual Form Feng Shui” 2022 w/23 hr. HD video
“Visual Form Feng Shui” w/13 hr. HD video
“Applied Bazi: Sickness Forecasting and Management” w/33 hr. HD video 
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 1: Forecasting and Decision Support” w/32 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 2: Basic Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 3 w/ Advanced Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Feng Shui Toolbox: Sha-qi, Health/Wealth and Career” w/ 7 hr. HD video
“Period 7/8 FS Toolkit w/ Advanced Flying Star techniques” w/ 6 hr. HD video
“Practical Date-Selection Methods  (incl. XKDG) w/ 12 hr. video
“Practical Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia 4G” w/ 12 hr. video
“Professional Imperial QMDJ 4G” w/ 21 hr. video
“EZ QMDJ series: Astrology, Date/Task Selection, Annual Luck/ FS”w/ 3 hr. HD
“EZ QMDJ Advanced Feng Shui” with 4 hr. HD video
“Daoist Talismans for Feng Shui/Blessing” w/ 24 hr video
“Practical Door Feng Shui for Wealth” w/ 3 hr. video
“4-Pillars Forecasting Bootcamp+ 2022″ w/ 18 hr. video

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Ken's List of Wife-Jinxing Bazi 命理克妻断

Ladies! Today is your lucky day!  Before you dive into a relationship or marriage, check the following list to make sure your potential lover does not jinx you to death.

Check the birthday Bazi chart of your potential mate to see if his chart hits one or more of the followings: 

  1. Natal chart and 10-year-lucks have no wealth star:  this is likely the destiny of a monk or a man with no wife.
  2. Chart has "pure yin" or "pure-yang" pillars likely jinxes wife.
  3. Wife star (wealth or "cai" star) is in void:  wife is prone to premature death or this man remains single throughout his life.
  4. Wife star is clashed or combined away:  is prone to physical or death separation with wife.
  5. Strong male daymaster has a wife star not sitting in spouse palace, is clashed:  is prone to jinxing wife.
  6. Weak male daymaster with both + and -wealth stars (zheng-cai/ pian-cai):  he is likely a disloyal husband with lots of material and sexual desire.
  7. Chart with both wealth and power star in void:  this man is likely jinxing wife during his middle age.
  8. Chart with multiple storage elements (chen, xu, chou and wei):  is prone to jinxing wife.
  9. Chart has weak wife star with strong and multiple + and -peer (jie-cai/ bi-jian) stars:  is prone to jinxing wife.
  10. Chart with yang-knife (jie-cai) star sitting in spouse palace (day-branch) and combines with another branch:  wife is chronically sick.
  11. Spouse palace does not have a yang-knife but combines with a yang-knife in another branch:  wife is chronically sick.
  12. Chart has  -power (qi-sha) with -resource (pian-yin) and yang-knife (jie-cai) stars:  this man is likely jinxing wife during his middle age.
  13. Chart with wife star (wealth or "cai") entombed:  wife is incapable or lacking luck or died prematurely.
  14. Chart with year and hour pillar exchanging void branch (i.e., each has the void branch of the other pillar):  is prone to jinxing wife or no wife.
  15. Chart with hour and day pillar exchanging void branch:  is prone to jinxing wife or no wife.

 The more a chart hits the above list, the higher the "wife jinxing power".

"Jinxing" here does not mean this man jinxing his wife to death but it is the destiny of this woman.  It is not his fault.  His qi or energy field tends to attract partner who is destined for a less fortunate life.

"Ken, is there any remedy for the above?"

There may be some methods to handle this problem.  Please check my upcoming course:

"Luck Enhancement and Misfortune Mitigation with Visual Bazi and Feng Shui".

If you are one of the "positive thinking" people, you may capitalize this "spouse jinxing power" through purchasing spousal life insurance.  This is like turning lemon into lemonade.  But whether you can keep this less than fortunate money is another question.  The answer may be found in:

“Visual Bazi: Wealth Secrets and Maximization” w/ 18 hr. HD video

Ken Lai
© 2022 Ken Lai, all rights reserved.

Video Correspondence Courses: (click for details)

“Visual Bazi: Wealth Secrets and Maximization” w/ 18 hr. HD video
“Advanced Visual Form Feng Shui” 2022 w/23 hr. HD video
“Visual Form Feng Shui” w/13 hr. HD video
“Applied Bazi: Sickness Forecasting and Management” w/33 hr. HD video 
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 1: Forecasting and Decision Support” w/32 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 2: Basic Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 3 w/ Advanced Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Feng Shui Toolbox: Sha-qi, Health/Wealth and Career” w/ 7 hr. HD video
“Period 7/8 FS Toolkit w/ Advanced Flying Star techniques” w/ 6 hr. HD video
“Practical Date-Selection Methods 2020 (incl. XKDG) w/ 12 hr. video
“Practical Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia 4G” w/ 12 hr. video
“Professional Imperial QMDJ 4G” w/ 21 hr. video
“EZ QMDJ series: Astrology, Date/Task Selection, Annual Luck/ FS”w/ 3 hr. HD
“EZ QMDJ Advanced Feng Shui” with 4 hr. HD video
“Daoist Talismans for Feng Shui/Blessing” w/ 24 hr video
“Practical Door Feng Shui for Wealth” w/ 3 hr. video
“4-Pillars Forecasting Bootcamp+ 2022″ w/ 18 hr. video