The conditions listed below usually signal serious misfortunes like accidents, surgery, severe illness, losing major wealth or even death to the daymaster of a chart or his/ her close family members:
1. 10-years-luck and annual luck fu-yin (identical pillars, 岁运并临): This could mean death to DM or his relatives or relatives facing obstacles. However, if the fu-yin elements are zheng-guan, zheng-yin or zheng-cai (+power, +resource, +wealth), misfortune may not happen.
2. Fan-yin or clashing any pillar in natal chart by luck pillar/s (天克地冲 ):
- DM's father or mother suffers or even dies when luck period clashing month or year pillar
- Wife suffers misfortunes when clashing day branch a
- Children suffer misfortunes when clashing hour pillar.
4. Two groups of 3-penalities (两组三刑): Natal chart, 10-years-luck and annual luck form two groups of penalties penalized each other. This stands for major disaster and death is unavoidable.
5. Two formations battle each other (两局相克): Natal chart, 10-years-luck and annual luck form two formations battling each other. For example, shen-zi-chen water formation battles si-wu-wei fire formation. This stands for major disaster and death is unavoidable.
6. Three versus 1 (以三制一): Natal chart, 10-years-luck and annual luck form 3 branches clashing 1 branch, 3 branches penalizing 1 branch, 3 stems controlling one stem and 3 stems combing one stem-- all these stand for major misfortune.
7. "Pian-yin snatching shi-shen" (枭神夺食, -resource snatches -output): DM becomes weak or sick or death occurs in his family when luck periods bring "pian-yin snatching shi-shen".
8. Meeting of shang-guan, yang-knife and void (伤、刃、空重叠): Accident, misfortune water/fire disasters and death may occur, especially if DM is weak.
9. Qi-sha is clashed (七煞逢冲 ): Pian-guan or -power with no resource (yin) in chart is called qi-sha. Qi-sha is a vicious star attacking DM. If qi-sha is unfavorable and is clashed with no cure/combination or Nobleman to help, DM is a ferocious person and likely died of violence.
10. Family members entombed (六亲入墓 ): Tomb means tomb-storage and also grave. "Jinx" below means disaster and misfortune occurred to the person being jinxed.
- Male DM jinxes children and female jinxes husband when annual luck with power star (zheng-guan) entombed.
- Male DM jinxes wife when annual luck with +wealth star (zheng-cai) entombed.
- Both male and female DM jinx father when annual luck with -wealth star (pian-cai) entombed.
- Both male and female DM jinx mother when annual luck with +resource star (zheng-yin) entombed.
- Female jinxes children when annual luck with output star (shang-guan/ shi-shen) entombed.
12. Clashing yang-knife (羊刃倒戈): Yang-knife dislikes clash or combination, especially being clashed by Grand Duke (annual luck). This stands for major disasters and violent death.
Please consult the following courses for remedies and cures:
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 2: Basic Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 3 w/ Advanced Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
Ken Lai
© 2019 Ken Lai, all rights reserved.
Video Correspondence Courses: (click for details)
“Visual Bazi: Wealth Secrets and Maximization” w/ 18 hr. HD video
“Advanced Visual Form Feng Shui”2019 w/23 hr. HD video
“Visual Form Feng Shui” w/13 hr. HD video
“Applied Bazi: Sickness Forecasting and Management” w/33 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 1: Forecasting and Decision Support” w/32 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 2: Basic Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 3 w/ Advanced Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Feng Shui Toolbox: Sha-qi, Health/Wealth and Career” w/ 7 hr. HD video
“Period 7/8 FS Toolkit w/ Advanced Flying Star techniques” w/ 6 hr. HD video
“Practical Date-Selection Methods 2019 (incl. XKDG) w/ 12 hr. video
“Practical Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia 4G” w/ 12 hr. video
“Professional Imperial QMDJ 4G” w/ 21 hr. video
“EZ QMDJ series: Astrology, Date/Task Selection, Annual Luck/ FS”w/ 3 hr. HD
“EZ QMDJ Advanced Feng Shui” with 4 hr. HD video
“Daoist Talismans for Feng Shui/Blessing” w/ 24 hr video
“Practical Door Feng Shui for Wealth” w/ 3 hr. video
“4-Pillars Forecasting Bootcamp+ 2019 edition” with 18 hr. video