Sunday, July 20, 2008

The big black cat and the baby cricket

If you follow my blog, you probably know that I become an "accidental" owner of a 3 years old big black cat a few weeks ago.

This cat looks like a shrunk black panther. Its look is pretty intimidating to small kids. It can run 20 feet in half a second to her food bowl when she is hungry.

My kids talk to her (a female cat) in English, but I talk Chinese to her, hopefully she will become a smart bilingual feline. Her name is too complicated for me, so I just call her "Meow-meow".

It has the bad habit of drinking water from the offering cups of my earth-god altar. It could have been her death warrant if we send her back to the animal shelter. Being relatively old, big and black, she is likely euthanized than adopted again. So she is either stay with us or in heaven.

Last night, I saw some amazing interactions between this cat and a baby cricket. The cricket is less than 1 cm. in length.

When Meow-meow saw the cricket, instead of doing an ambush strike that most cats will do, she gently touched the cricket with her paw. The baby cricket, probably has never seen a cat before, simply jumped a few inches. She again gently and slowly touched the cricket. Again the cricket jumped a few inches.

At this moment, I thought Meow-meow may stretch her tongue and sweep the cricket into her mouth. Again, she just chased the cricket slowly and let it run away.

This is a good cat with a gentle heart! I have almost sent her back to the animal shelter to face the Lord!

Just like human beings, you cannot judge an animal by how it looks or judge a person by his/ her external appearance. This is why I resist learning or teaching face-reading. I do not want any preconceptions of how a face looks to color my perceptions of and interactions with people.

Ken Lai

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