Nine years ago, I had written about an inexpensive psychological therapy:
A few days ago, I saw this journal for sale in the World Market store:
This is a simple way to send your worries away. You may even use your favorite plush animals instead of Worry Dolls by telling your worries to them. The advantage of this method is that no one will spread your worries to the world. Psychologists are pretty much doing the same thing-- listening to your worries, feeding back the worries to you and then charging you US$100- 200 per hour. Your old worries may be gone but you have a new worry of paying the bills.
While I was a graduate student at the University of Minnesota 40+ years ago, I had assisted a social psychology professor to conduct a cross-cultural research on dreams. I ran into an interesting folklore practice of handling nightmares in a certain Chinese region. I still remember the details without checking any files.
When people in this Chinese region had a bad dream, they would write this poem on a city wall:
"Last nite I have dreamed of inauspicious omen
I write this on the west wall
Gentlemen from all walks of life read this once
Will dissolve my misfortunes and disasters"
This method of self-counseling also keeps one's identity and nightmare secret. It can be easily modified to handle other psychological events by replacing "dreamed of inauspicious omen" with other events.
In internet age, you may not want to write this poem on city wall. You can post it on bulletin board or even online anonymously.
Ken Lai
© 2019 Ken Lai, all rights reserved.
Disclaimer: This DIY self-therapy does NOT replace standard professional psychological counseling/ therapy. Use at your own risk. You are strongly advised to see a licensed professional if you think you have psychological problems.
Video Correspondence Courses: (click for details)
"Visual Bazi: Wealth Secrets and Maximization” w/ 18 hr. HD video
“Advanced Visual Form Feng Shui”2019 w/23 hr. HD video
“Visual Form Feng Shui” w/13 hr. HD video
“Applied Bazi: Sickness Forecasting and Management” w/33 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 1: Forecasting and Decision Support” w/32 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 2: Basic Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 3 w/ Advanced Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Feng Shui Toolbox: Sha-qi, Health/Wealth and Career” w/ 7 hr. HD video
“Period 7/8 FS Toolkit w/ Advanced Flying Star techniques” w/ 6 hr. HD video
“Practical Date-Selection Methods 2019 (incl. XKDG) w/ 12 hr. video
“Practical Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia 4G” w/ 12 hr. video
“Professional Imperial QMDJ 4G” w/ 21 hr. video
“EZ QMDJ series: Astrology, Date/Task Selection, Annual Luck/ FS”w/ 3 hr. HD
“EZ QMDJ Advanced Feng Shui” with 4 hr. HD video
“Daoist Talismans for Feng Shui/Blessing” w/ 24 hr video
“Practical Door Feng Shui for Wealth” w/ 3 hr. video
“4-Pillars Forecasting Bootcamp+ 2019 edition” with 18 hr. video
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Life is priceless-- including a rat's life
YouTuber "Guitar Singapore Travels" has posted a video about a Hong Kong democracy protestor trying to save a tear-gassed street rat on Nov. 4, 2019.
"Perhaps the rat had taken in too much tear gas?? Welcome to Hong Kong in November 2019, where protestors try to resuscitate street rats!!" The introduction posted by the YouTuber.
This video was reposted in the "Pet Section" of the forum. It has drawn some interesting comments listed below:
"Young people are really kind"
"Very sad....
Actually, besides rodents, tear gas also affects many homeless cats and dogs.
When will the environmental and animal protection groups come out to condemn (tear-gas proliferation)?"
其實除左老鼠 tg都影響好多流浪貓狗。。
"Demonstrator even saves a rat.
Damn rogue police beats and shots people at sight"
"If you have personally participated any street demonstration here, you know the demonstrators are full of love and warmth; showing concern about you and protecting pedestrians.
Today one even rubbed the back of a rat :~(
Very touching."
"(This) brother is full of compassion.
Hope he will be healthier after touching this rat."
"Later this rat will show its gratitude by chewing the popo (police) to death"
" Like the rat in Cinderella, (this rat) will go to your home doing household work for you to repay your kindness."
Hong Kong is under turmoil since June when the Hong Kong government had tried to push an unpopular extradition law that would legitimize China to extradite Hong Kong citizens to stand trial in Chinese courts. Hong Kong people have organized hundreds of demonstrations and protests against this law. These protests are countered with unprecedented violence and police brutality. In addition to around 5000 shots of rubber and bean bag bullets, over 5000 tear-gas bombs are shot in downtown, universities and residential areas. 4000 or more protestors, mostly young people, were arrested with a large number of them suffering serious injuries like head and bone fractures due to unchecked police brutality. Abnormal increases of "suicides" by drowning at sea and jumping from buildings have occurred in the last few months. Harmful chemicals like cyanide and dioxin emitted from tear-gas bombs are contaminating densely populated areas, hurting plants, wildlife and human beings.
Around the same time this video was posted, cases of plague were reported in Beijing, China.
The Year of Rat will arrive next February. Rat is the Grand Duke or king of 2020.
May the universe bring peace to people and animals.
Ken Lai
"Perhaps the rat had taken in too much tear gas?? Welcome to Hong Kong in November 2019, where protestors try to resuscitate street rats!!" The introduction posted by the YouTuber.
This video was reposted in the "Pet Section" of the forum. It has drawn some interesting comments listed below:
"Young people are really kind"
"Very sad....
Actually, besides rodents, tear gas also affects many homeless cats and dogs.
When will the environmental and animal protection groups come out to condemn (tear-gas proliferation)?"
其實除左老鼠 tg都影響好多流浪貓狗。。
"Demonstrator even saves a rat.
Damn rogue police beats and shots people at sight"
"If you have personally participated any street demonstration here, you know the demonstrators are full of love and warmth; showing concern about you and protecting pedestrians.
Today one even rubbed the back of a rat :~(
Very touching."
"(This) brother is full of compassion.
Hope he will be healthier after touching this rat."
"Later this rat will show its gratitude by chewing the popo (police) to death"
" Like the rat in Cinderella, (this rat) will go to your home doing household work for you to repay your kindness."
Hong Kong is under turmoil since June when the Hong Kong government had tried to push an unpopular extradition law that would legitimize China to extradite Hong Kong citizens to stand trial in Chinese courts. Hong Kong people have organized hundreds of demonstrations and protests against this law. These protests are countered with unprecedented violence and police brutality. In addition to around 5000 shots of rubber and bean bag bullets, over 5000 tear-gas bombs are shot in downtown, universities and residential areas. 4000 or more protestors, mostly young people, were arrested with a large number of them suffering serious injuries like head and bone fractures due to unchecked police brutality. Abnormal increases of "suicides" by drowning at sea and jumping from buildings have occurred in the last few months. Harmful chemicals like cyanide and dioxin emitted from tear-gas bombs are contaminating densely populated areas, hurting plants, wildlife and human beings.
Around the same time this video was posted, cases of plague were reported in Beijing, China.
The Year of Rat will arrive next February. Rat is the Grand Duke or king of 2020.
May the universe bring peace to people and animals.
Ken Lai
Friday, November 15, 2019
In search of misfortune and dangerous years in Bazi
Today is your lucky day to find many unlucky scenarios that you do not want to see in your Bazi chart.
The conditions listed below usually signal serious misfortunes like accidents, surgery, severe illness, losing major wealth or even death to the daymaster of a chart or his/ her close family members:
1. 10-years-luck and annual luck fu-yin (identical pillars, 岁运并临): This could mean death to DM or his relatives or relatives facing obstacles. However, if the fu-yin elements are zheng-guan, zheng-yin or zheng-cai (+power, +resource, +wealth), misfortune may not happen.
2. Fan-yin or clashing any pillar in natal chart by luck pillar/s (天克地冲 ):
4. Two groups of 3-penalities (两组三刑): Natal chart, 10-years-luck and annual luck form two groups of penalties penalized each other. This stands for major disaster and death is unavoidable.
5. Two formations battle each other (两局相克): Natal chart, 10-years-luck and annual luck form two formations battling each other. For example, shen-zi-chen water formation battles si-wu-wei fire formation. This stands for major disaster and death is unavoidable.
6. Three versus 1 (以三制一): Natal chart, 10-years-luck and annual luck form 3 branches clashing 1 branch, 3 branches penalizing 1 branch, 3 stems controlling one stem and 3 stems combing one stem-- all these stand for major misfortune.
7. "Pian-yin snatching shi-shen" (枭神夺食, -resource snatches -output): DM becomes weak or sick or death occurs in his family when luck periods bring "pian-yin snatching shi-shen".
8. Meeting of shang-guan, yang-knife and void (伤、刃、空重叠): Accident, misfortune water/fire disasters and death may occur, especially if DM is weak.
9. Qi-sha is clashed (七煞逢冲 ): Pian-guan or -power with no resource (yin) in chart is called qi-sha. Qi-sha is a vicious star attacking DM. If qi-sha is unfavorable and is clashed with no cure/combination or Nobleman to help, DM is a ferocious person and likely died of violence.
10. Family members entombed (六亲入墓 ): Tomb means tomb-storage and also grave. "Jinx" below means disaster and misfortune occurred to the person being jinxed.
12. Clashing yang-knife (羊刃倒戈): Yang-knife dislikes clash or combination, especially being clashed by Grand Duke (annual luck). This stands for major disasters and violent death.
Please consult the following courses for remedies and cures:
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 2: Basic Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 3 w/ Advanced Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
Ken Lai
© 2019 Ken Lai, all rights reserved.
Video Correspondence Courses: (click for details)
“Visual Bazi: Wealth Secrets and Maximization” w/ 18 hr. HD video
“Advanced Visual Form Feng Shui”2019 w/23 hr. HD video
“Visual Form Feng Shui” w/13 hr. HD video
“Applied Bazi: Sickness Forecasting and Management” w/33 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 1: Forecasting and Decision Support” w/32 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 2: Basic Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 3 w/ Advanced Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Feng Shui Toolbox: Sha-qi, Health/Wealth and Career” w/ 7 hr. HD video
“Period 7/8 FS Toolkit w/ Advanced Flying Star techniques” w/ 6 hr. HD video
“Practical Date-Selection Methods 2019 (incl. XKDG) w/ 12 hr. video
“Practical Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia 4G” w/ 12 hr. video
“Professional Imperial QMDJ 4G” w/ 21 hr. video
“EZ QMDJ series: Astrology, Date/Task Selection, Annual Luck/ FS”w/ 3 hr. HD
“EZ QMDJ Advanced Feng Shui” with 4 hr. HD video
“Daoist Talismans for Feng Shui/Blessing” w/ 24 hr video
“Practical Door Feng Shui for Wealth” w/ 3 hr. video
“4-Pillars Forecasting Bootcamp+ 2019 edition” with 18 hr. video
The conditions listed below usually signal serious misfortunes like accidents, surgery, severe illness, losing major wealth or even death to the daymaster of a chart or his/ her close family members:
1. 10-years-luck and annual luck fu-yin (identical pillars, 岁运并临): This could mean death to DM or his relatives or relatives facing obstacles. However, if the fu-yin elements are zheng-guan, zheng-yin or zheng-cai (+power, +resource, +wealth), misfortune may not happen.
2. Fan-yin or clashing any pillar in natal chart by luck pillar/s (天克地冲 ):
- DM's father or mother suffers or even dies when luck period clashing month or year pillar
- Wife suffers misfortunes when clashing day branch a
- Children suffer misfortunes when clashing hour pillar.
4. Two groups of 3-penalities (两组三刑): Natal chart, 10-years-luck and annual luck form two groups of penalties penalized each other. This stands for major disaster and death is unavoidable.
5. Two formations battle each other (两局相克): Natal chart, 10-years-luck and annual luck form two formations battling each other. For example, shen-zi-chen water formation battles si-wu-wei fire formation. This stands for major disaster and death is unavoidable.
6. Three versus 1 (以三制一): Natal chart, 10-years-luck and annual luck form 3 branches clashing 1 branch, 3 branches penalizing 1 branch, 3 stems controlling one stem and 3 stems combing one stem-- all these stand for major misfortune.
7. "Pian-yin snatching shi-shen" (枭神夺食, -resource snatches -output): DM becomes weak or sick or death occurs in his family when luck periods bring "pian-yin snatching shi-shen".
8. Meeting of shang-guan, yang-knife and void (伤、刃、空重叠): Accident, misfortune water/fire disasters and death may occur, especially if DM is weak.
9. Qi-sha is clashed (七煞逢冲 ): Pian-guan or -power with no resource (yin) in chart is called qi-sha. Qi-sha is a vicious star attacking DM. If qi-sha is unfavorable and is clashed with no cure/combination or Nobleman to help, DM is a ferocious person and likely died of violence.
10. Family members entombed (六亲入墓 ): Tomb means tomb-storage and also grave. "Jinx" below means disaster and misfortune occurred to the person being jinxed.
- Male DM jinxes children and female jinxes husband when annual luck with power star (zheng-guan) entombed.
- Male DM jinxes wife when annual luck with +wealth star (zheng-cai) entombed.
- Both male and female DM jinx father when annual luck with -wealth star (pian-cai) entombed.
- Both male and female DM jinx mother when annual luck with +resource star (zheng-yin) entombed.
- Female jinxes children when annual luck with output star (shang-guan/ shi-shen) entombed.
12. Clashing yang-knife (羊刃倒戈): Yang-knife dislikes clash or combination, especially being clashed by Grand Duke (annual luck). This stands for major disasters and violent death.
Please consult the following courses for remedies and cures:
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 2: Basic Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 3 w/ Advanced Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
Ken Lai
© 2019 Ken Lai, all rights reserved.
Video Correspondence Courses: (click for details)
“Visual Bazi: Wealth Secrets and Maximization” w/ 18 hr. HD video
“Advanced Visual Form Feng Shui”2019 w/23 hr. HD video
“Visual Form Feng Shui” w/13 hr. HD video
“Applied Bazi: Sickness Forecasting and Management” w/33 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 1: Forecasting and Decision Support” w/32 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 2: Basic Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 3 w/ Advanced Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Feng Shui Toolbox: Sha-qi, Health/Wealth and Career” w/ 7 hr. HD video
“Period 7/8 FS Toolkit w/ Advanced Flying Star techniques” w/ 6 hr. HD video
“Practical Date-Selection Methods 2019 (incl. XKDG) w/ 12 hr. video
“Practical Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia 4G” w/ 12 hr. video
“Professional Imperial QMDJ 4G” w/ 21 hr. video
“EZ QMDJ series: Astrology, Date/Task Selection, Annual Luck/ FS”w/ 3 hr. HD
“EZ QMDJ Advanced Feng Shui” with 4 hr. HD video
“Daoist Talismans for Feng Shui/Blessing” w/ 24 hr video
“Practical Door Feng Shui for Wealth” w/ 3 hr. video
“4-Pillars Forecasting Bootcamp+ 2019 edition” with 18 hr. video
Ken Lai,
misfortune prediction,
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
A person sits on a wealth-storage
following excerpt is taken from the chapter on "DM sits on a
wealth-storage" in the "Visual Bazi: Wealth Secrets and Maximization" course:
There is a saying in Bazi,
"Anyone sitting on a wealth-storage
is wealthy with no exception日坐财库 无人不富".
However, like many famous sayings in Bazi, the condition/s for this
statement to be valid are not listed.
The table below shows all the possible day-pillars that "sit on a wealth-storage":
Found In branch
(wealth storage)
DM sits on

"Sitting on
wealth-storage" is just the "DNA"
or the possibility for a person to get rich-- pending on other conditions to be
fulfilled. This is an indicator of DM's
pre-born or innate ability to create and accumulate wealth but not necessarily becoming
Here are the conditions for DM "sitting on wealth-storage" to become wealthy:
(see course manual for details)
Ken Lai
© 2019 Ken Lai, all rights reserved.
Video Correspondence Courses: (click for details)
"Visual Bazi: Wealth Secrets and Maximization" w/ 18 hr. HD video
“Advanced Visual Form Feng Shui”2019 w/23 hr. HD video
“Visual Form Feng Shui” w/13 hr. HD video
“Applied Bazi: Sickness Forecasting and Management” w/33 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 1: Forecasting and Decision Support” w/32 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 2: Basic Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 3 w/ Advanced Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Feng Shui Toolbox: Sha-qi, Health/Wealth and Career” w/ 7 hr. HD video
“Period 7/8 FS Toolkit w/ Advanced Flying Star techniques” w/ 6 hr. HD video
“Practical Date-Selection Methods 2019 (incl. XKDG) w/ 12 hr. video
“Practical Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia 4G” w/ 12 hr. video
“Professional Imperial QMDJ 4G” w/ 21 hr. video
“EZ QMDJ series: Astrology, Date/Task Selection, Annual Luck/ FS”w/ 3 hr. HD
“EZ QMDJ Advanced Feng Shui” with 4 hr. HD video
“Daoist Talismans for Feng Shui/Blessing” w/ 24 hr video
“Practical Door Feng Shui for Wealth” w/ 3 hr. video
“4-Pillars Forecasting Bootcamp+ 2019 edition” with 18 hr. video
© 2019 Ken Lai, all rights reserved.
Video Correspondence Courses: (click for details)
"Visual Bazi: Wealth Secrets and Maximization" w/ 18 hr. HD video
“Advanced Visual Form Feng Shui”2019 w/23 hr. HD video
“Visual Form Feng Shui” w/13 hr. HD video
“Applied Bazi: Sickness Forecasting and Management” w/33 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 1: Forecasting and Decision Support” w/32 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 2: Basic Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 3 w/ Advanced Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video
“Feng Shui Toolbox: Sha-qi, Health/Wealth and Career” w/ 7 hr. HD video
“Period 7/8 FS Toolkit w/ Advanced Flying Star techniques” w/ 6 hr. HD video
“Practical Date-Selection Methods 2019 (incl. XKDG) w/ 12 hr. video
“Practical Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia 4G” w/ 12 hr. video
“Professional Imperial QMDJ 4G” w/ 21 hr. video
“EZ QMDJ series: Astrology, Date/Task Selection, Annual Luck/ FS”w/ 3 hr. HD
“EZ QMDJ Advanced Feng Shui” with 4 hr. HD video
“Daoist Talismans for Feng Shui/Blessing” w/ 24 hr video
“Practical Door Feng Shui for Wealth” w/ 3 hr. video
“4-Pillars Forecasting Bootcamp+ 2019 edition” with 18 hr. video
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