Sunday, August 5, 2007

Top-3 Questions in Feng Shui Seminars

The followings are the top-3 questions asked by
students during my Feng Shui Seminars:

1. How to measure facing of a house/ apartment?
Depends on your teacher, it can be:
-- based on the main door
-- based on the yang side
-- based on the water side
-- based on the main gate of the building
-- based on the mountain side
...... and more fun choices!

2. How to change "heaven's heart" or Period of a
house/ apartment?
I have over ten recipes for this one, from very
expensive ones to almost free one:
-- major remodelling
-- open a hole in the roof and let the sun shine in
for over 49+ days
-- strike the center ceiling of an apartment until you
see steel bar...
-- stop cooking for a certain period of time
-- move out for at least 49 days
....... and more!

3. Do you put water in the NE side of your house?
Depends on your teacher, it could be:
-- OK to put water in NE
-- not OK to put water in NE
-- put fire, you idiot!
-- put horses, you smarty!
-- put what???

BTW, if you get good answers to these top-3 questions,
you may set up shop and drive me out of business :.)0

Ken Lai